B-PEN (Brookline Parent Education Network) helps parents navigate the social, emotional and developmental challenges affecting today’s teens and pre-teens – common challenges that can lead to risky behavior.
B-PEN is an outreach initiative that collaborates with Brookline school administrators and PTO’s, to facilitate parent connections with other parents, school and town resources, and helpful information via written/electronic materials on a wide variety of teen concerns.
As families settle into the new routines of the academic year, it can be a tough transition for students of all ages -- and their parents! Kids are facing the challenges of different classes, unfamiliar teachers, maybe even new classmates and a new school. And while this developmental milestone can mark a fresh beginning for reinvention, it can be tricky for parents to navigate as they balance expectations and setting limits on scheduling, bedtime, homework management, etc. B-PEN’s “Transitions” page offers a wide variety of tip sheets and resources to help families get off to a good start. Check it out!
As families settle into the new routines of the academic year, it can be a tough transition for students of all ages -- and their parents! Kids are facing the challenges of different classes, unfamiliar teachers, maybe even new classmates and a new school. And while this developmental milestone can mark a fresh beginning for reinvention, it can be tricky for parents to navigate as they balance expectations and setting limits on scheduling, bedtime, homework management, etc. B-PEN’s “Transitions” page offers a wide variety of tip sheets and resources to help families get off to a good start. Check it out!
The latest Brookline High School Health Survey
sheds light on 7-12th grade student substance use, sexual practices, mental health concerns, dietary and exercise habits, and more. The Executive Summary outlines some of the pertinent details, and data charts illuminate specifics of High School and Middle School. To access the full report, click here.
The latest Brookline High School Health Survey
sheds light on 7-12th grade student substance use, sexual practices, mental health concerns, dietary and exercise habits, and more. The Executive Summary outlines some of the pertinent details, and data charts illuminate specifics of High School and Middle School. To access the full report, click here.
Vaping and e-cigarettes are providing an accessible and sneaky way for kids to smoke – some vape pens (juuls) work without fumes or visible vapors to give them away. And at BHS, there’s a whole lot of vaping going on, increasing nicotine consumption and providing new ways to smoke marijuana. B-PEN recommends this excellent new newsletter from Wachusett Regional High School's Head of Guidance, Jon Krol, that offers a lot of basic info parents need to know - https://www.smore.com/td0s1
And Stanford has an excellent Tobacco Prevention Toolkit with loads of helpful information.
Vaping and e-cigarettes are providing an accessible and sneaky way for kids to smoke – some vape pens (juuls) work without fumes or visible vapors to give them away. And at BHS, there’s a whole lot of vaping going on, increasing nicotine consumption and providing new ways to smoke marijuana. B-PEN recommends this excellent new newsletter from Wachusett Regional High School's Head of Guidance, Jon Krol, that offers a lot of basic info parents need to know - https://www.smore.com/td0s1
And Stanford has an excellent Tobacco Prevention Toolkit with loads of helpful information.
In Massachusetts, recreational marijuana for those 21 and older has been legalized. This can send mixed messages to adolescents about the possible harmful effects of marijuana, so it’s especially important to engage in meaningful conversations now and often, with the most important message being a simple one – Marijuana can have damaging effects on the developing teen brain. Here are some talking points for "Why Not Pot" and Here's a little primer of information to help you start the conversation...
In Massachusetts, recreational marijuana for those 21 and older has been legalized. This can send mixed messages to adolescents about the possible harmful effects of marijuana, so it’s especially important to engage in meaningful conversations now and often, with the most important message being a simple one – Marijuana can have damaging effects on the developing teen brain. Here are some talking points for "Why Not Pot" and Here's a little primer of information to help you start the conversation...
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