Parent Updates: B-PEN's Newsletter
What Junior Parents Need to Know (2024) --Key takeaway tips by Dr. Deborah Offner
“A Survival Guide to Parenting Teens: Talking to Your Kids About Sexting, Drinking, Drugs, and Other Things that FREAK YOU OUT” (April 2019)
Child development expert Joani Geltman returned to Brookline for a lively PTO/B-PEN presentation on adolescent psychology. Using humor and more than 30 years of experience, Geltman shared stories and advice designed to help defuse parent anxiety and offer concrete strategies.
Tips on Building Healthy Video Gaming Habits (March 2019)
Video and online gaming has become such a norm for many adolescents that it can sometimes get out of hand before we know it, with kids staying up into the wee hours and losing sleep. B-PEN’s parent presentation by expert Dr. Alok Kanojia offered information on the allure of games, how gaming can disrupt mental health and social development, and what parents can do to set – and maintain – appropriate limits.
The Other Talk (Spring 2018)
We prepare our kids for college by talking about studying hard and getting enough sleep, but have we prepared them well for dealing with the weekend parties and binge drinking that often are the norm at college? And what about health issues? This Parent Update includes information on healthy emotional transitions as well as important information about dealing with student medical needs away from home, including HIPAA health privacy guidelines and a “medical tool kit.”
Teen Sexuality in the Era of #MeToo (Fall 2018)
One of the trickiest challenges of adolescence is navigating the murky waters of romantic attraction and sexuality. In the midst of developing personal identities, pre-teens and teens are also trying to figure out how to forge meaningful relationships with others, and this can be especially confusing in the era of #MeToo. When does harmless flirtation cross the line? How do we talk to adolescents about consent? In addition to the Parent Update tip sheet on "Teen Sexuality in the Era of #MeToo," you can read the full Wellness Summit report.
The Bottom Line -- The Truth About Vaping (Fall 2018)
There’s a whole lot of vaping going on among Brookline youth, increasing nicotine consumption and providing new ways to smoke marijuana. The recent presentation offered parents information and strategies regarding this troubling epidemic. This printable The Bottom Line takeaway summarizes key points and recommended resources.
The Bottom Line - The Unique Challenges & Opportunities of Freshman Year (Fall 2018)
Freshman year is a big adjustment for teens as well as their parents. As teens grapple with mounting pressures, increased academic workload, and expanding social circles, it’s helpful if parents have thought ahead how they might deal with the wide range of issues they may soon be addressing -- the lure of alcohol and parties, marijuana/drugs, the ins and outs of current social media, healthy relationships/body image. This The Bottom Line is a takeaway summary of a special Freshman Parent Meeting. You can also access the 2017 Parent Update newsletter for more information.